When building components are reused in the construction industry, complex questions arise in the interface between law and architecture and particularly in the area of contract law and approval procedures. To date, there is no legal framework for the handling of the novel planning, construction, transport and storage processes involved in reuse projects. In collaboration with researchers at the ZHAW, the gaps (particularly in the area of contracts and permits) were identified, worked through, presented in a practice-oriented guide and linked to legal solution approaches on the basis of pilot projects by Zirkular and baubüro in situ. The guide addresses all players in the construction industry, from demolition companies to planners and insurance companies. In order to promote the reuse of building components in general, the research results, and in particular the guide itself, will be made publicly available and actively disseminated in the relevant industries and networks.
This project is funded by Innosuisse.
All documents available for download on the CIRKLA website (only in German)
Oliver Streiff, Andreas Abegg, Cynthia Ott, Annette Zoller-Eckenstein