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Since 2020, baubüro in situ has been coordinating the reuse of building components for the project Hobelwerk Haus D in Oberwinterthur. Because the project was started before the foundation of Zirkular, baubüro in situ supported the process as a specialist planner for reuse. The processes developed during their partnership were then adopted and taken over by Zirkular with its founding.

In cooperation with all project participants, the processes and interfaces associated with reuse were defined. The architectural firm, Pascal Flammer Architects, developed the guiding principles of the structural design in such a way as to provide sufficient flexibility for the reuse of used building components. Altogether, 10 component categories were defined which were then searched for and evaluated by our component hunters. After the selection of the components, baubüro in situ coordinated the removal, transport and interim storage and supported in the reassembly. As part of the SFOE project “Scalable Solutions for the Path to Net Zero”, the technical process is being scientifically monitored and continuously evaluated.

year of completion:
project team:
Dario Vittani, Kerstin Müller, Pascal Angehrn
component hunting:
Laia Meier, Rebecca Brandmayer
Building Cooperative mehr als wohnen
SFOE – Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Scientific support within the scope of the SFOE project "Scalable Solutions for the Path to Net Zero”
Pascal Flammer Architects
Zirkular GmbH, Dario Vittani