In the context of the Architekturwoche Basel (AWB) in May 2022, the design and programme of the Basel Pavilion meant to formulate a radical and aesthetic thesis for circular construction that implements reused components.
In collaboration with the reuse experts from Zirkular, relevant components were researched and tracked in conversion and demolition projects — also from Christoph Merian Stiftung’s own properties — and reserved and catalogued for the pavilion. The focus was both on components that have a special haptic or visual quality, as well as their logistic and energy footprint. Often they have a patina that gives them character and tells the story of their origin and use. A catalogue of all the parts was compiled in the summer and served as the basis and source for the competition. The architects assembled the pavilion from a construction kit of reused components, which creates a highly significant and strong form as a public space.
The winning design “Loggia Baseliana” by the architectural firm isla truly convinced the jury: Consisting of five open units, each unit derives its constructive system from its respective materiality. Grouped together under a gable roof made of trapezoidal sheet metal, the modules form an urban veranda along the railroad tracks. In this way, the site has been given multiple and public uses. The main components used include steel profiles, cardboard tubes and wooden planks. The modules were prefabricated at Husner AG Holzbau and then installed on the Dreispitz.
The pavilion made of reusable components is an initiative of Architektur Basel and Architektur Dialoge. The Christoph Merian Foundation supported the project and provided the building site.